When you are trying to quit, there are various levels involved. It is almost like a ladder where you have to climb from one step to the other.
However, when you are trying to quit smoking, then there are three main levels involved for breaking this cycle which you have to overcome.
Plan Steps to Overcome Smoking
The first step is quite obvious, and that is to overcome various kinds of smoker encounters and nicotine addiction. When the craving starts its course, then things turn out to be pretty uncomfortable for a while. This irritability is sometimes as a result of a self-denial mode that you take against cigarettes.
Chewing a Gum Helps
The second step that one needs in order to overcome this habit is to keep their mouth busy. Since your mouth is accustomed to this habit of puffing, so it needs some of your extra attention. You can quit this habit by chewing something that keeps your mouth engaged, such as a quit smoking gum .
Some people use a particular kind of smoking cessation product like an all-natural one which is nicotine-free and report effectiveness. Meanwhile others still say they prefer the nicotine gums in helping them calm down their nicotine cravings. Even though it is difficult to say what would be the best nicotine gum, some great brands have really proven to be effective. The users sometimes would completely forget the thought of a cigarette or the craving in particular. This helps in avoiding the situations from triggering in future when a person has had some kind of nicotine fix in his past.
The third level would be to consciously have self –realization. Not many smokers really ask themselves this question; “What is the purpose behind smoking?”
Many people use this habit as a medium to deal with stress or some kind of insecurity in their life. Some use this as weapon to compete against peers and/or rivals. However, users fail to realize one simple thing that this kind of habit actually, truly and really has no benefit. Think about it.
Once you quit smoking, then you would start feeling more confident. If you choose to quit with a quit smoking gum, it could actually be the best nicotine gum depending on your determination because you would use it as if you earnestly desire to stay out of cigarettes and gradually you would have quit for good.
Stand Out from the Rest
Just imagine the feeling when you would find yourself as the only winner in this war against smoking. There would be many other people in your office or group who would get inspiration from you. They would start seeing you as their role model, an idol of some sort. People might mock you in the beginning, but don’t get discouraged. The same people at the end will celebrate you when you succeed because they all know the mountain and obstacles you would have surmounted in your quit journey.
The question that any user is faced with is, ‘Can i really quit smoking?’
The answer to this is - Yes, you can definitely help yourself by quitting smoking and making your life free from the deadliness of tobacco.
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